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Commissioning of UoN's Customer Experience Centre

The University of Nairobi has established a modern 24-hour Customer Experience Centre (CEC) that will facilitate and improve interactions with customers, clients, business partners and stakeholders through the provision of converged communication services.

A first for an institution of higher learning in the country, the unified CEC based on IP Telephony solutions enables integration of modern communication technologies with university systems in line with the broader university goal of providing excellent services to its customers.
The Chancellor, Dr. Vijoo Rattansi will officially commission the centre on Friday, August 31, 2018 at 3.00 pm. The event will be held in Taifa Hall, Main Campus. This is to invite you to join in the celebrations by attending the event.
Please be seated by 2.30 p.m.


Great innovation indeed looking forward for value adding aspect to the University

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