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9th AIBUMA Conference

Date:              25-26th October 2018
Theme:           Should Kenya Face East or West?
Venue:           University of Nairobi, School of Business, Lower Kabete Campus, Nairobi, Kenya
Call for papers: subthemes
The contest between West and East (read China) has hardly been addressed by academics.  This year’s conference gives you a chance to interrogate the beliefs, stereotypes and reality of the two regions depending on your academic background. The subthemes include the following. Be free to create your own subtheme!
1.   Managing across cultures: East vs. West 
2.   Economics models; East or West 
3.   Technology in East and West 
4.   Business practices across cultures 
5.   Doing business in China 
6.   Managing risk across cultures 
7.   Digital transformation; east vs. west 
8.   World by 2050; who will be leading, east or west 
9    Leadership in east and west 
10. Marketing in east and west 
11. Innovations: East vs. West
12.  Any other theme
Conference information
9th AIBUMA conference brings together leading academics, researchers and business leaders to exchange and share their experiences and research.  We encourage interdisciplinary   research and collaborations.  You can participate in a number of ways;
  1. Research papers
  2. Presentation of ideas in gestation e.g. proposals
  3. Panels
  4. Posters
  5. Fishbowl
  6. TED talk
Please contact the conference chair Dr.  XN Iraki to arrange your preferred format of presentation. Send your abstracts or synopsis to  or Undergraduates and postgraduates students are encouraged to contribute. There is a prize for the best graduate and undergraduate paper/presentation.
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